Approximate Value of Nine Grams Of Silver For Zecher l'Machatzit HaShekel
per item
It is customary during the month of Adar to make a charitable donation to commemorate the “Machatzit HaShekel” the annual half-shekel tax that every Jew would give during the times of the Beit Ha’mikdash to fund the expenses of the Beit Ha’mikdash.
To fulfill this custom, how much should one give?
- The Rema brings a custom to give three coins, each valued at half the local currency to tzedaka as a Zecher L'Machatzit HaShekel.
- A beautiful hidur mentioned in the Kaf HaChaim is that one can donate the monetary value of 9.6 grams of silver which, as of March, 2024, amounts to about $8.
- Some have the custom to give the value of (1) one Machatzit HaShekel for each family member in their household. Others have the custom to give the value of (3) three Machatzit HaShekel per person.
As Jewish communities in the Greater Washington area continue to grow, so have the number of families and individuals needing assistance. As a volunteer staffed organization, every dollar donated translates into direct assistance. Please consider making a donation of any amount.